Our waiting list is closed

What is counselling?

There are times in all our lives when we feel unable to cope. Sometimes the causes of these problems seem fairly clear and we know where to turn for assistance. At other times our problems are difficult to understand we can find no answer from our own resources or from the people we know.

Talking to a counsellor, who is impartial and skilled, can help us work through our personal or relationship difficulties and find our own unique and personal way forward.

Counsellors are trained to listen and to help us explore the experience and origins of our feelings, thoughts and behaviours in a safe, confidential and non-judgmental relationship. Counselling does not claim to be the answer to all human difficulties, but it can help us find our own answers in a safe and supportive environment. In this way counselling assists us to understand ourselves more and move towards more effective ways of coping, enabling us to have greater control and choice in our lives.

Who can come to Charis for counselling?

Charis counselling service is available to anyone; as an individual you may self-refer by contacting us directly for an appointment, either by phoning, email or calling in to the agency personally. As a statutory body, agency/organisation or church you may wish to make an initial enquiry on behalf of someone, however it is preferred if the person contacts us direct. Contact will then be established and maintained with the person for whom the initial enquiry has been made.